Please note that the information presented on this site is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. Always seek guidance from your doctor or healthcare professional.
As you explore the techniques and mindsets discussed on this site, we encourage you to approach them with an open mind, a sense of curiosity, and a focus on your personal well-being. Evaluate each concept with care and a sense of fun and wonderment.
Discover how positive attitudes and small, gradual steps can bring about meaningful change and lead to the best possible outcomes. Join us on this journey and let’s explore the power of the mind together.
Countless friends and family and medical professionals (oncology in Dunedin Hospital) are helping me on this journey.
Acknowledgements: I can’t speak highly enough of my […]
First published on 19 Feb. 2021, from Wanaka, New Zealand.
If you’ve landed here looking for likeminds.org.nz, a site dedicated to mental health in New Zealand, then click here >>
Welcome to LikeMinds, a platform for those seeking to deepen their understanding of life and mental health. Our story is rooted in the New Zealand outdoors and begins in 2014, but it takes a sharp turn with a sudden and unexpected lymphoma diagnosis.
Join us as we share our journey of navigating the complexities of mental health and physical wellness in the face of a rare form of lymphoma. Our aim is to provide support and inspiration for others facing similar challenges and to shed light on the power of the mind in the healing process.